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频率范围:5GHz至21/31.3/44GHz1 GHz带宽
IQ带宽:1GHz频率范围:DC至500MHz时钟初始精度:±200 × 10-94TX,4RX

PXIe-5830 5至12GHz带宽1 GHz PXI矢量信号收发仪|NI (在产)



调谐分辨率:4.45 μHz

频谱纯度:-97dBc/Hz@7.1 GHz至12 GHz

参考价格 : RMB 896,365起

12 GHz,1 GHz带宽PXI矢量信号收发仪

PXIe-5830可支持毫米波频段的验证和生产测试。矢量信号收发仪结合了一个矢量信号发生器、矢量信号分析仪、高速串行接口以及基于FPGA的实时信号处理和控制。PXIe-5830可帮助您测试各种蜂窝和无线标准,如Wi-Fi 6。该仪器采用PXI Express架构,便于扩展测试系统,以支持具有相位相干同步的多输入多输出(MIMO)配置。

产品编号: 787047-01






IF IN/OUT 0IF IN/OUT 1 frequency range[1]

5 GHz to 12 GHz

Frequency bandwidth

1 GHz within the specified frequency ranges

Tuning resolution[2]

4.45 μHz

Table 2. Default LO Step Size[3],[4]
Frequency RangeStep Size, Onboard
5 GHz to 12 GHz2 MHz

Frequency Settling Time

Table 3. PXIe-5830 Maximum Frequency Settling Time (LO2), Typical
Settling Accuracy (Relative to Final Frequency)Settling Time (ms), Onboard
1.0 × 10-60.50
0.1 × 10-60.80
0.01 × 10-61.00

The LO2 frequency settling time includes the frequency lock time.

Internal Frequency Reference

LO2 source (Onboard)Initial adjustment accuracy±5 × 10-6Temperature stability±1 × 10 -6, maximumAging±1 × 10-6 per year, maximumAccuracyInitial adjustment accuracy ± Aging ± Temperature stability

Spectral Purity

Table 4. IF Single Sideband Phase Noise (IF IN/OUT Ports), Typical
FrequencyPhase Noise (dBc/Hz, Single Sideband)
5 GHz to 7.1 GHz-103
>7.1 GHz to 12 GHz-97

Conditions: 20 kHz offset; self-calibration °C ± 5 °C ; LO2 LO Source: Onboard.

Figure 1. Onboard Phase Noise at 5.5 GHz and 10 GHz, Measured (Spurs Not Shown)


Transmit (IF IN/OUT Ports)

IF Output Amplitude Range

Table 5. IF Output Maximum Settable Power
Upconverter Center FrequencyIF IN/OUT 0 (dBm)IF IN/OUT 1 (dBm)
5 GHz to 8 GHz14191318
>8 GHz to 12 GHz13171216

The power range refers to continuous wave (CW) average power. For modulated signal generation, it is important to consider the impact of peak to average power ratio (PAPR). For example, a modulated 80 MHz 802.11ax signal with a 11 dB PAPR can be generated with up to +4 dBm average modulated power when the CW average power is 15 dBm.

Output attenuator resolution

1 dB, nominal

Digital attenuation resolution[5]

<0.1 dB

Figure 2. IF Output Maximum CW Average Power, Measured


IF Output Amplitude Settling Time

NoteIF Output Amplitude Settling Time refers to the time it takes to switch between two analog gain states with frequency unchanged once the hardware receives the amplitude change. The additional time due to software-initiated amplitude changes is not included and varies by computer. When changing frequencies, reconfiguration time is dominated by the frequency settling. Refer to Frequency Settling Time for more information

<0.5 dB of final value

27 µs, nominal

<0.1 dB of final value

40 µs, nominal

IF Output Amplitude Accuracy

Table 6. IF Output Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is User-Defined)
Upconverter Center Frequency23 °C ± 5 °C0 °C to 45 °C
5 GHz to 8 GHz±1.2±0.8±0.5±1.9
>8 GHz to 12 GHz±1.4±1.0±0.6±2.1

Conditions: Peak power level -30 dBm to +12 dBm; measured with a CW at 10 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency; measurement performed after the PXIe-5830 has settled; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined.

This specification is valid only when the module is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

This specification requires that temperature correction is being performed. Temperature correction is applied automatically if NIRFSG_ATTR_AUTOMATIC_THERMAL_CORRECTION is enabled (default). Temperature correction is applied if necessary only when NI-RFSG settings are adjusted. If NIRFSG_ATTR_AUTOMATIC_THERMAL_CORRECTION is disabled, the niRFSG_PerformThermalCorrection must be explicitly called.

Table 7. IF Output Relative Amplitude Accuracy (Offset Mode is User-Defined), Typical
Upconverter Center FrequencyRelative Amplitude Accuracy (dB)
5 GHz to 8 GHz±0.25
>8 GHz to 12 GHz±0.30

Conditions: Peak power level -30 dBm to +12 dBm; measured with a CW at 10 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency; measurement performed after the PXIe-5830 has settled; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined.

Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy error at 0 dBm.

This specification is valid only when the module is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

This specification requires that temperature correction is being performed. Temperature correction is applied automatically if NIRFSG_ATTR_AUTOMATIC_THERMAL_CORRECTION is enabled (default). Temperature correction is applied if necessary only when NI-RFSG settings are adjusted. If NIRFSG_ATTR_AUTOMATIC_THERMAL_CORRECTION is disabled, the niRFSG_PerformThermalCorrection must be explicitly called.

IF Output Frequency Response

Table 8. IF Output Frequency Response (dB)
Upconverter Center Frequency23 °C ± 5 °C0 °C to 45 °C
5 GHz to 8 GHz1.
>8 GHz to 12 GHz1.

Conditions: Peak power level -30 dBm to +10 dBm; module temperature within ±5 °C of last self-calibration temperature.

Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the reference offset frequency. For the PXIe-5830 IF output, the reference offset frequency is 10 MHz higher than the upconverter center frequency. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the reference offset, refer to the IF Output Amplitude Accuracy section.

Figure 3. IF Output Frequency Response, 0 dBm, Peak Output Power Level, Equalized, Measured

Figure 4. Maximum IF Output Frequency Response Deviation versus Upconverter Center Frequency, Measured


IF Output Average Noise Density

Table 9. Output Average Noise Density (dBm/Hz), Typical
Upconverter Center FrequencyOutput Power Level Setting
-10 dBm0 dBm15 dBm
5 GHz to 8 GHz-156-149-135
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-154-148-135

Conditions: 10 averages40 dB baseband signal attenuation; noise measurement frequency offset by 200 MHz from the upconverter center frequency; the instrument driver is in peak mode.

Measured on the PXIe-3621 IF IN/OUT 1 port. The IF IN/OUT 0 port has a 1 dB to 5 dB degradation compared to the IF IN/OUT 1 port.

IF Output Third-Order Intermodulation

Table 10. IF Output Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion (IMD3) (dBc), Typical
Upconverter Center FrequencyIF IN/OUT 0IF IN/OUT 1
Output Power Level SettingOutput Power Level Setting
-30 dBm0 dBm15 dBm-30 dBm0 dBm15 dBm
5 GHz to 8 GHz-56-56-49-45-46-46
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-58-57-41-53-52-39

Conditions: Measured by generating two -7 dBFS tones centered at +100 MHz within the instantaneous bandwidth with 10 MHz separation.

IF Output Nonharmonic Spurs

Table 11. IF Output Nonharmonic Spurs (dBc) (Default LO Step Size), Typical
FrequencyOffset ≤ 500 kHz500 kHz < Offset ≤ 20 MHzOffset > 20 MHz[6]
5 GHz to 8 GHz-62-44<-70
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-59-51<-70

Conditions: Output full scale level 0 dBm. Measured with a single tone at 0 dBFS.

NoteOffset refers to ± desired signal offset (Hz) around the current LO frequency.
Table 12. IF Output Nonharmonic Spurs (dBc) (1 MHz LO Step Size), Measured
Frequency0 Hz ≤ Offset ≤ 5 MHz
5 GHz to 7.1 GHz-64
>7.1 GHz to 12 GHz-46

Conditions: Output full scale level 0 dBm.

NoteOffset refers to ± desired signal offset (Hz) around the current LO frequency.

IF Output LO Residual Power

Table 13. IF Output LO Residual Power (dBc), Typical
Upconverter Center FrequencySelf-Calibration °C ± 1 °CSelf-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
5 GHz to 8 GHz-50-47
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-48-36

Conditions: Peak output power -30 dBm to +15 dBm. Input tone power at a maximum of -3 dBr. LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

LO Residual Power averaged across a maximum of 1 GHz bandwidth.

Figure 5. IF Output LO Residual Power, Measured


IF Output Residual Sideband Image

Table 14. IF Output Residual Sideband Image (dBc), Typical
Upconverter Center FrequencySelf-Calibration °C ± 1 °CSelf-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
5 GHz to 8 GHz-39-34
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-48-41

Conditions: Peak output power levels -30 dBm to +15 dBm. Input tone power at a maximum of -3 dBr. LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

This specification describes the maximum residual sideband image within the 1 GHz device instantaneous bandwidth.

Figure 6. IF Output Residual Sideband Image, 0 dBm Peak Power, Measured

Figure 7. Maximum IF Output Residual Sideband Image Versus Upconverter Center Frequency, Measured


Receive (IF IN/OUT Ports)

IF Input Amplitude Range

Amplitude range

Average noise level to +20 dBm (CW RMS)

Gain resolution

1 dB, nominal

Table 15. IF Input Analog Gain Range, Nominal
Downconverter Center FrequencyIF Analog Gain Range (dB)
5 GHz to 8 GHz≥61
>8 GHz to 12 GHz≥57

IF Input Amplitude Settling Time

NoteSettling time refers to the time it takes the amplitude to settle once the hardware receives the amplitude change. The additional time due to software initiated amplitude changes is not included and varies by computer. When changing frequencies, reconfiguration time is dominated by the frequency settling. Refer to Frequency Settling Time for more information.NoteConstant RF input signal, varying input reference level.

<0.5 dB of final value

27 µs, nominal

<0.1 dB of final value

40 µs, nominal

IF Input Amplitude Accuracy

Table 16. IF Input Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is User-Defined)
Downconverter Center Frequency23 °C ± 5 °C0 °C to 45 °C
5 GHz to 8 GHz±1.2±0.8±0.5±1.6
>8 GHz to 12 GHz±1.4±1.0±0.7±1.6

Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to +30 dBm; measured with a CW at 10 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency when a user-defined frequency offset is not applied; measurement performed after the PXIe-5830 has settled; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined.

This specification is valid only when the module is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

Table 17. IF Input Relative Amplitude Accuracy (Offset Mode is User-Defined), Typical
Downconverter Center FrequencyRelative Amplitude Accuracy (dB)
5 GHz to 8 GHz±0.25
>8 GHz to 12 GHz±0.40

Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to +30 dBm; measured with a CW at 10 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency; measurement performed after the PXIe-5830 has settled; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined.

Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy error at 0 dBm.

This specification is valid only when the module is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

IF Input Frequency Response

Table 18. IF Input Frequency Response (dB)
Downconverter Center Frequency23 °C ± 5 °C0 °C to 45 °C
5 GHz to 8 GHz2.
>8 GHz to 12 GHz2.

Conditions: Input reference level -30 dBm to +20 dBm; module temperature within ±5 °C of last self-calibration temperature.

Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the reference offset frequency. For the PXIe-5830 IF input, the reference offset frequency is 10 MHz higher than the downconverter center frequency. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the reference offset, refer to the IF Input Amplitude Accuracy section.

Figure 8. IF Input Frequency Response, 0 dBm, Reference Level, Equalized, Measured

Figure 9. Maximum IF Input Frequency Response Deviation versus Downconverter Center Frequency, Measured


IF Input Average Noise Density

Table 19. Input Average Noise Density (dBm/Hz), Typical
Downconverter Center Frequency-30 dBm Reference Level0 dBm Reference Level
5 GHz to 8 GHz-162-142
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-162-142

Conditions: Input terminated with a 50 Ω load; 10 averages; noise measurement frequency offset 6 MHz to output frequency.

Measured on the PXIe-3621 IF IN/OUT 1 port. The IF IN/OUT 0 port has a 2 dB degradation compared to the IF IN/OUT 1 port.

IF Input Third-Order Intermodulation

Table 20. IF Input Third-Order Intercept Point (IIP3), Typical
Downconverter Center FrequencyReference Level
-30 dBm0 dBm15 dBm
5 GHz to 8 GHz-62035
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-41933

Conditions: Measured by generating two -6 dBFS tones centered at +100 MHz within the instantaneous bandwidth with 10 MHz separation.

IF Input Residual Spurs

Table 21. IF Input Residual Spurs (dBm), Typical
Frequency60 kHz ≤ Offset ≤ 60 kHzOffset ≥ 60 MHz[7]
5 GHz to 8 GHz-74-74
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-75-75

Conditions : Reference level 0 dBm. Measured with the IF IN 1 port terminated with 50 Ω.

NoteOffset refers to ± desired signal offset (Hz) around the current LO frequency.

IF Input LO Residual Power

Table 22. IF Input LO Residual Power (dBr[8]), Typical
Downconverter Center FrequencySelf-Calibration °C ± 1 °CSelf-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
5 GHz to 8 GHz-54-44
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-47-38

Conditions: Reference level is -30 dBm to +15 dBm. Input tone power at a maximum of -3 dBr. LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

LO Residual Power averaged across a maximum of 1 GHz bandwidth.

Figure 10. IF Input LO Residual Power, Measured


IF Input Residual Sideband Image

Table 23. IF Input Residual Sideband Image (dBc), Typical
Downconverter Center FrequencySelf-Calibration °C ± 1 °CSelf-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
5 GHz to 8 GHz-47-39
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-51-42

Conditions: Peak output power levels -30 dBm to +15 dBm. LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

This specification describes the maximum residual sideband image within the 1 GHz device instantaneous bandwidth.

Figure 11. IF Input Residual Sideband Image, 0 dBm, Reference Level, Measured

Figure 12. Maximum IF Input Residual Sideband Image Versus Downconverter Center Frequency, Measured


Application-Specific Modulation Quality

WLAN 802.11ax


The following measurements were taken using RFmx and corresponding RFmx default values.

Table 24. WLAN 802.11ax RMS EVM (dB), Shared Onboard LO2, Nominal[9][10]
I/Q Carrier FrequencySignal Bandwidth
80 MHz160 MHz
5.1 GHz to 7.2 GHz-50-47
Figure 13. WLAN 802.11ax RMS EVM Versus Average Power, Measured[11]

Figure 14. WLAN 802.11ax RMS EVM Versus Frequency, Nominal[12][13]


5G New Radio (NR)


Table 25. IF 5G NR EVM (dB), Shared Onboard LO2, Typical[14]
I/Q Carrier FrequencyNR Carrier Configuration
1 x 100 MHz[15]2 x 100 MHz[16]1 x 400 MHz[17]
5 GHz to 8 GHz-50-47-43
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-49-46-43

Conditions: IF average power level is -25 dBm to 0 dBm. LO2 LO Source: SG_SA_Shared.

Table 26. IF 5G NR EVM (dB), Independent Onboard LO2, Typical[14]
I/Q Carrier Frequency1 x 100 MHz[15]2 x 100 MHz[16]1 x 400 MHz[17]
5 GHz to 8 GHz-41-41-40
>8 GHz to 12 GHz-39-39-38

Conditions: IF average power level is -25 dBm to 0 dBm. LO2 LO Source: Onboard.

Figure 15. IF 5G NR 1 CC x 100 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[14],[15]

Figure 16. IF 5G NR 2 CC x 100 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[14],[16]

Figure 17. IF 5G NR 1 CC x 400 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[14],[17]

Figure 18. IF 5G NR 2 CC x 400 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[14],[18]

Figure 19. IF 5G NR RMS EVM versus Frequency (Shared LO2), Measured[14],[19][20]

Figure 20. IF 5G NR RMS EVM versus Frequency (Independent LO2), Measured[14][19][20]


Front Panel I/O


Refer to the PXIe-5820 Specifications for more information about characteristics of the PXIe-5820 front panel input and output.


I/Q INConnectorsMMPX (female)Input coupling, per terminalDCInput typeDifferentialDifferential impedance100 Ω
I/Q OUTConnectorsMMPX (female)Output coupling, per terminalDCOutput typeDifferentialNumber of channels2Impedance100 Ω
LO2 INConnectorsMMPX (female)Frequency range3.55 GHz to 7.1 GHzInput power range[21]+6 dBm to +10 dBm, nominalInput return loss10 dB, nominalAbsolute maximum input power+10 dBmLO2 couplingDC coupled to groundImpedance50 Ω
LO2 OUTConnectorsMMPX (female)Frequency range3.55 GHz to 7.1 GHzAbsolute maximum output power+10 dBmLO2 CouplingDC coupled to groundOutput power resolution[22]0.5 dB, nominalImpedance50 ΩOutput return loss10 dB, nominal
DIOConnectorMini HDMI
IF IN/OUTConnectorsSMA 27 GHz (female)Impedance50 Ω during active mode, ∞ impedance after reboot and resetCouplingAC coupled to groundAbsolute maximum input power+25 dBm
Figure 21. PXIe-3621 IF IN Port Return Loss, Measured

Figure 22. PXIe-3621 IF OUT Port Return Loss, Measured

REF IN/OUTConnectorsMMPX (female)Frequency10 MHzInput tolerance[23]±10 × 10-6Input amplitude[24]0.7 V pk-pk to 3.3 V pk-pk , typicalCouplingDCOutput amplitude1.65 V pk-pk into 50 Ω, nominalImpedance50 Ω

Power Requirements

Table 27. PXIe-5830 Power Requirements, Nominal
Module+3.3 VDC+12 VDCTotal Power (W)
PXIe-58203.3 A (10.89 W)6.0 A (72.0 W)82.89
PXIe-36215.0 A (6.93 W)5.0 A (67.2 W)74.13
PXIe-5830 (combined instrument)157.02



1 year

Physical Characteristics

Table 28. PXIe-5830 Physical Characteristics, Nominal
PXIe-58203U, 2 slots79528.0
PXIe-36213U, 2 slots1,06637.6
PXIe-5830 (combined instrument)3U 4 slots1,86165.6

Environmental Characteristics

TemperatureOperating0 °C to 45 °CStorage-41 °C to 71 °C
HumidityOperating10% to 90%, noncondensingStorage5% to 95%, noncondensing

Pollution Degree


Maximum altitude

2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambient temperature)

Shock and VibrationOperating vibration5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g RMSNon-operating vibration5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g RMSOperating shock30 g, half-sine, 11 ms pulse

















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